вторник, 21 июля 2020 г.

Why i hate Flo

The order of the items corresponds to the timeline of the occurrence of this hatred.

1. Russian language
For the first time I learned that flo plays on this server when I saw a hysterical moron who tried to tell me which language I should speak. He demanded that I use only English. It always could only annoy me, but I perceived him as an ordinary fool of a foreigner who could not have any meaning for me.

My opinion, which will never change: no one has the right to forbid me to speak my native language. I spit on those who do not like this language. And with Russian people I will only speak Russian.

2. Looting of graves and necrophilia
Absolutely all the wealth Flo possessed was a looted base of players who left this server.

Looting on graves - only gypsies do it in Russia, for which they are hated and despised.

I saw this in Flo's actions, but it did not bother me. I didn't care until Flo tried to rob a dead base near mine. I no longer remember the name of this player, it was a long time ago. Its base was very close, and I really wanted to take the contents of one safe, I assumed that there was metal.

Once there was a case when I watched the timer for the disappearance of the safe, and at that moment Flo did the same. When he saw me, Flo put his safe next to this base. I waited until the timer reaches zero and the safe disappears to pick up the loot. Flo was there, and with great zeal he was trying to catch up with me and take everything from this safe, with great greed and zeal, trying not to leave anything. It really pissed me off, but I thought he might be a novice player, and maybe he needs this loot more than me.
I left there, taking nothing, did not even look at what was in this safe. I just left.
After some time, when I found out that Flo had a huge base, hundreds of dinosaurs, which he claimed from dead bases - here I already hated him very much. From that moment I considered Flo a dirty greedy gypsy, from that moment I finally ceased to respect him.

3. Vince's base
Vince was a good friend. He helped me start building my third base. Before that, I had already taken two long breaks, due to which my bases were lost. Vince gave me a doeds, ankilo, birds and more, which helped me quickly build a huge base. She was bigger than Vince. He did not like it, but then he ceased to be angry with me because he considered the Russians crazy. It was fun to play with him.

One day the moment came when Vince decided to leave the ark. He told me about this a month before leaving. He asked me "what would you like to take from my base", to which I gave my answer. And he gave it to me.

Flo separately asked Vince to give the artifacts (Vince told me about this), and Vince gave him all artifats. That is, I got dinosaurs and loot at the request, Flo artifacts. I am not against this and have no complaints to anyone.

After there were a few days he announced for everyone about he was leaving. Vince opened all his safes and allowed everyone to take whatever they want. All that they can find.

The fact that I saw, me was terribly outraged.
Flo claimed animals, as always with particular greed, trying to do this faster than anyone, leaving nothing to anyone. This fagot even claimed a low-level dodo. Claimed and left. More than half of these animals died of starvation at Vince's base.

This outraged even Vince. He saw this and was perplexed. We discussed this situation for a long time, I was furious. I did not need these dinosaurs, which is why I did not take them. Flo took everything he saw, even if he did not need it.

Vince was able to calm my rage - he offered me his base (structure), by the method of merging tribes. It really was able to reassure me and divert attention from the flo, for a moment I forgot about its existence.

Since then, Vince's base has become a breeding home, a home for children. I made the most comfortable place for breeding, and from that moment this place is for me the keeper of the warmest memories and great friendships. That is why I built my last base

4. Problems with the alliance
Valera is and was the administrator of the alliance, he told me that he can add me if all members of the alliance are not against it.

In this situation, Flo created the most problems for me. I breeded the first combat rex with which I could kill the boss on the island. Initially, Flo suggested that I put the rex on the platform of the red obelisk. All alliance players put rex in this place, it is very convenient.

But after the first battle I got a problem, I can't feed my rex because I can't install a feeder for them. At that moment, no one was doing alpha solos, only beta was played. I always farm alpha and so rex came back almost dead. They needed a lot of meat, they were always hungry.

I explained the situation to Flo, I asked him to add me to the alliance and install the feeder that I crafted to him. Flo did not give an answer for a week. No consent, no refusal. I saw either stupid jokes from him, or he simply ignored me. Because of this, I had to put meat in rexes inventory, there were 20. Several of my Rex starved to death because  i missed it by accident.

After a week, I decided to ditch the flo platform entirely and build my own on the blue obelisk. I did it. I built a platform there, put a rex there and started farming the boss.

Flo was very offended, but I didn't care. However, because of the blue obelisk, I had a quarrel with Fibox, I did not know that he was farm metal there. After that we talked and made up. Fibox is a great guy. I demolished my platform on the blue obelisk and left the blue obelisk forever.

Fibox has placed his columns everywhere in this place, which will now forever be a monument to this quarrel. The altercation that arose over Flo shouldn't have happened.

I talked to everyone about adding me to the alliance, but Flo was against it. I talked to Valera again, after these cases he added me to the alliance, despite Flo's opinion. And I am grateful to him for that.

Flo ended up setting up feeders for my rex and also for the rex of other players.

This story caused the deaths of several of my rex and a quarrel with Fibox.

5. Wyvern
A bad event happened for our server - it was closed as legasy. Valera loves the ark very much, so he opened his own server, where players could continue the game.

At this point I decided to take a break from the ark, I had not played for a year. I didn't even plan to return. Flo wrote to me, he invited me back to the server, told about the new mods that Valera added, Flo promised battles with other bosses.
It was a year later, I didn’t consider Flo my enemy, I don’t remember being angry. I saw him as a friend. I went back and started playing. Flo promised to help the first dinosaurs build a base.

And from the very first day of the game, Flo pissed me off. I need a bird to get around the island quickly. I asked for one wyvern. Only one wyvern. Flo didn't answer anymore and started to ignore me.

After 2 days I met Valera, he gave me the opportunity to move my old base where my old dinosaurs were located, and all my problems ended there.

A week later, I find out that all the cluster maps are taken from the official servers, that there are free dinosaurs that can be claimed for free. I also learned that the flo had already looted all bases on other maps.
A logical question arose: you have plundered Ragnarok and the Scorched Earth. You have taken thousands of free wyverns.
And you bitch cant give only one? any one wyvern? are you an idiot?
At that moment I remembered everything. All that I had already forgotten and was not going to remember.
I remembered all the cases for which I now always I will despise flo. If a person is a fool - this is until the end of life, this is not treated.

6. Inappropriate behavior
Putin, vodka and more.
I think that a stupid fool is trying to insult Russia by installing such labels in all Russian.

I have seen this nonsense in the chat thousands of times, I didn’t care. It started to annoy me a lot in voice chat. Every time I talked with Valera, flo interrupted me with these stupid phrases.

These stupid questions are "do you drink vodka", or "how many Russians drink".

I know that the Germans drink a lot of beer, that it is their national pride, but I will never ask about it, because I do not care what the Germans drink and how much. I don’t understand why this might interest anyone; I see this as a mockery. I do not deserve this and I did not give a reason.

I don’t understand why Valera forgives this, trying to pretend to be a European, when he is a real Russian in every sense of the word. Valera always justifies the actions of the flo, forgives him every stupid act, but my opinion on this subject is different.

Flo forever hanged the stigma of a fagot. I can forget everything, but but for this I punish. I would very badly beat any foreigner in real life if he said something like that in my face and I don’t care what punishment awaits me for this. but Valera forgives him, okay.

78910. Out of list
I have complaints about trading, but I will not describe it here. I believe that everyone trades as he wants because you can always refuse a deal that does not suit you.
I realized that flo sold dinosaurs to me dearly when I started trading with players from other servers. However, there are no complaints, only contempt.

For all the time of the game on this server, for 6 years I have not met a single fagot. I have never had such conflicts with anyone. I have always been friends with everyone, I only wanted friendship and a fun joint game. I met wonderful people who made my game better. And there is only one single fagot who became my enemy - flo. One fucking shit for 6 years.

I will never respect him, he will forever remain for me a greedy dirty gypsy.
And I will repeat my phrase specifically for flo:
"Never call yourself a German, you dishonor a great nation"

My grandfather was a real German, he was never like that.

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